Wednesday, August 13, 2008

who needs sugar plums when you've got industrial steel credenzas dancing before your eyes

sometimes in the early evening, when the sun is setting, i start to dream of industrial shelving.... and I dream that I live in the Loire valley and have many many euro to spare.

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a view from the milky way: our invites

ahhhh! our starry invites are out... this is part of the image that inspired the verso of the cards, in midnight card stock with pewter metallic ink. true to form, the über-talented elisabeth did an incredible job, as did our fabulous calligrapher.

and silk felt soil has come full circle-- asa smith's astronomy, from which the image is taken, was merely a gleam in our eye when we started; I lucked out, found the entire book on ebay, have been saving it ever since for something really special.

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